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Basic Facts About Prenuptial Agreements

Happily ever after is no longer the typical wedding ending. With the divorce rate peaking at 55 percent in recent years, couples may want to consider planning their uncoupling before planning their wedding.

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Was the Testing Equipment Used in Your DUI Stop Defective?

Machinery can fail. Tests can have errors. If a law enforcement officer gave you a breath test during your traffic stop on suspicion of DUI, were the results accurate?

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A Guide to Divorcing Peacefully

You may believe an ugly divorce is inevitable, but that is not necessarily true. If you and your ex both dedicate yourselves, you may be able to have a peaceful divorce. It is possible to be decent to one another and minimize the grief.

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What Is Constructive Possession of Drugs?

People's perception of drugs, particularly marijuana, has changed radically in Ohio and across the nation. As you know, our state is in the process of implementing the legality of medical marijuana.

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How the Use of Prescription Drugs Led to The Opioid Epidemic

The use of opium has been banned since 1905, but derivatives such as morphine, heroin, codeine, methadone and synthetic opiates are still prevalent today.

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Things to Know About a Child Support Modification

The proper care and provision of a child is a big concern of the courts. For this reason, they take child support modifications very seriously.

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How Big of A Deal Is a DUI/OVI?

When happy hour turns into "how did it get so late," it can be easy to make the decision to hurry up and drive yourself home. After all, you have to work in the morning.

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Why Working with Your Ex on A Custody Plan May Be the Best Choice

When you are going through a divorce, emotions are already high. While some divorces are more contentious than others, none are ever easy. If children are involved, it’s even more complicated.

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Dui Field Sobriety Tests - Should I Take the Tests?

One of the constant questions that I am asked about from somebody who has been pulled over under of suspicion of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs of abuse is whether or not they should take the standardized field sobriety tests or any other field sobriety tests or exercises offered by the police officer or peace officer making such a request.

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What to Do if Your Teenager Is Arrested

Raising children is challenging. Raising teenagers is just downright hard. Trusting them to make the right choices is one of the most difficult aspects of the whole parenting process.

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